There are two thorough categories :

Simple :

To make a simple point, one needs a hairpin so of two pairs. There are four different capital:


  1. Bottom "Torchon"
  2. CT.CT = ½ crossed pins ½ past

    A point A point "Torchon" A bottom "Torchon"

    Point.jpg ( 940 bytes)

    Pointtorchon.jpg ( 771 bytes)

    Fondtorchon.jpg ( 993 bytes)

    Fondsimple1.jpg ( 8598 bytes)

  3. Bottom of "Brussels"
  4. CTCT.CTCT = crossed twisted past twisted hairpin

    A point of Brussels A bottom of Brussels
    Pointbruxelle.pg.jpg ( 914 bytes) Fondbruxelle.jpg ( 1057 bytes)

Fondsimple2.jpg ( 9616 bytes)

  1. Bottom of "Dieppe"
  2. CT.CTT = ½ crossed pins ½ past to twist.

    A point of Dieppe A bottom of Dieppe
    Pointdieppe1.pg.jpg ( 1083 bytes) = Pointdieppe2.pg.jpg ( 915 bytes) Fonddieppe.jpg ( 1158 bytes)

    Not to draw both black lines, one draws in orange.

    Fondsimple3.jpg ( 7059 bytes)

  3. Bottom "pins closed"

CTT.CTT = ½ crossed to twist hairpin ½ past to twist

A point pins closed

A bottom pins closed

Pointepingle.pg.jpg ( 1046 bytes) = Pointepingle2.pg.jpg ( 1098 bytes)

Fondepingle.jpg ( 1188 bytes)

Not to draw the black lines, one draws in chestnut.

Fondsimple4.jpg ( 9889 bytes)

Pricking and examples of the various simple capital.

Fondsimplepiquage.jpg ( 5540 bytes)

FdSimpleAppli1.jpg ( 6817 bytes) FdSimpleAppli2.jpg ( 6204 bytes) FdSimpleAppli3.jpg ( 6928 bytes) FdSimpleAppli4.jpg ( 6576 bytes)